Intervention in Lieu of Conviction
ILC, or Intervention in Lieu of Conviction, is a diversion program for drug and alcohol abusers. Typically, the only defendants that qualify for ILC are those that are charged with a low-level felony that is drug or alcohol related. The charge itself does not have to be Possession of Drugs but if the crime committed was somehow related to drugs or alcohol, then ILC is a possibility. For example, if you are charged with stealing credit cards and the reason those cards were stolen was to buy items to sell for drugs, you may qualify for ILC because the crime of Theft was related to drug abuse.
There are a number of other eligibility requirements and eventually the judge has to approve your admission to the program. Once approved, the ILC program allows you to enter a drug or alcohol treatment program. While on ILC, you are also on probation. If you successfully complete the treatment program you enter, as well as all terms of your probation, the court will then dismiss the case and you are never convicted.
ILC is a great option because the court promises that if all the terms are completed, you will not go to jail, will not have a conviction on your record, will get the treatment you need, and the case will be dismissed. However, getting ILC is difficult and requires the right attorney. Travis Kane has helped many of his clients get ILC and have personally seen their lives changed as a result.
If you are charged with an alcohol or drug-related offense, contact Travis Kane to discuss your options and if you are ILC eligible. This is one of the best ways to overcome your drug or alcohol problem and avoid prison.