

La Defensa Criminal y Casos de Tráfico

Un arresto o cargo cambia su vida y las vidas de sus familiares y amigos. En este momento, hay un riesgo de ir a la cárcel y también ser deportado si está aquí como un inmigrante indocumentado. Usted necesita un abogado que pueda proteger sus derechos. 

El Divorcio

​Un divorcio puede cambiar su vida en una gran manera. Puede perder su dinero, sus hijos, y mucho más. Usted necesita un abogado que entienda su situación y tiene la experiencia para ayudarle. 

Contacte Kane Law Offices hoy: (937) 887-4700

Real Client Testimonials

    Overall my experience with Mr. Kane was excellent!
    “I was highly satisfied with Mr. Kane! He answered back right away and was there every time I needed anything.”
    - Former Client
    Our satisfaction level is a 10 out of 10.
    “We had never had any trouble with the law before this time, so we knew nothing about how to proceed with any of the court proceedings. Travis knew everything that was happening and kept us informed about what we could expect to happen and what we were goin”
    - Former Client
    I am extremely satisfied with the outcome of my case.
    “Travis Kane worked out a deal where if I do some alcohol classes, everything will be dropped and I will have nothing on my permanent record. I am very satisfied with the amount of explanation, communication, and information I received.”
    - Former Client
    I couldn’t have asked for more.
    “Travis really went above and beyond to make sure I understood what was going on during my case and answered all my questions.”
    - Former Client
    He then got both my cases dismissed.
    “As soon as I got Attorney Kane, he got me out of jail.”
    - Former Client
    He won my case.
    “The jury said Not Guilty! I was let out of the Montgomery County jail that same day.”
    - Former Client
    He did an amazing job for my son and our family.
    “Mr. Kane represented my son in a sexual assault case. He got the jury to say not guilty on all counts.”
    - Former Client
    I tell everyone to hire him because I trust him and know he’s a good attorney.
    “I’ve used Mr. Kane many times and he’s done a great job every time.”
    - Former Client
    We were very satisfied with his performance.
    “He answered all our questions and told us what to expect. He ended up getting our son’s charges reduced.”
    - Former Client

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