
Case Results

  • Not Guilty on All Charges Gross Sexual Imposition
    Our client was charged with 6 counts of GSI with mandatory prison time.  During the pendency of the case, the complainant accused our client of stalking her and driving by her house so the jail put out a warrant out and our client ended up in jail.  His family notified us and we immediately filed a motion and disputed the accusations.  After a hearing where we argued our client’s position, the court agreed with us and let our client out of jail and withdrew the warrant.  Our client maintained the position that he was completely innocent of these charges and we took the case to trial.  After several days at trial, the jury deliberated and came back with a verdict of NOT GUILTY on all charges. Afterwards, the jurors complimented us and our presentation at trial and stated it was Mr. Kane’s performance that convinced them to say not guilty.
    Logan County Common Pleas Court
  • Charges Reduced Hit/Skip
    After being rear ended, our client pulled to the side of the road but later left the scene before the police arrived and was charged with Failing to Stop After an Accident.  This charge adds 6 points to the driving record and has a mandatory license suspension.  We were able to resolve the case with a charge that did not add 6 points and he did not receive a license suspension.  Our client had to pay a small fine and nothing more.
    Miamisburg Municipal Court
  • Charge Reduced OVI
    Our client was a young driver charged with OVI.  Since OVIs cannot be taken off a criminal record, it was important to us to put our client in a good position going forward.  We were able to get the charge reduced to Reckless Operation of a motor vehicle.  This resolution allowed him to not have the charge of OVI on his record going forward with college and employment for the rest of his life.
    Springboro Mayor’s Court
  • Not Guilty Weapons Under Disability
    After being chased by the police, our client threw his gun in some bushes and was then arrested for having a weapon while under disability. We took the case to trial and argued the State could not prove the gun belonged to our client. Despite evidence to the contrary, the jury rendered a verdict of NOT GUILTY. Mr. Kane’s performance convinced the jury the charge was not proven.
    Montgomery County Common Pleas Court
  • Mistrial Aggravated Robbery
    Our client was charged with robbing a person at gunpoint and pistol whipping him. After a difficult trial with the judge being unfair to us and ruling against us on several key issues, the jury started their deliberations. Six hours later the jury sent a note to the court indicating they could not reach a verdict. The court ruled a mistrial, which allowed our client to later get a good deal and he has now resumed his life with his family.
    Greene County Common Pleas Court
  • Not Guilty Burglary
    We felt this was a textbook case of confirmation bias, where a police officer has tunnel vision and investigates the crime from the point of view that the defendant is guilty and not from an objective position.  Witnesses said they saw someone leaving the area of a house that had been burglarized.  The detective decided our client was the one who did it and did not consider anyone else, despite there being evidence our client was not the person who burglarized this house.  We went to trial and the jury said NOT GUILTY.  Our client was immediately let out of jail.
    Montgomery County Common Pleas Court
  • Case Dismissed OVI
    This was the first time our client had even been charged with a crime.  The officer suspended her license and prohibited her from driving.  We filed a motion with the court and got her driving privileges back immediately.  We then went to court and got her case dismissed.  She now has her license fully reinstated and no criminal convictions on her record.
    Vandalia Municipal Court
  • Case Settled Underage Consumption/Possession Drugs
    Our client was 18 and arrested for being under the influence of alcohol and possession of drugs.  We were able to settle the case for a $50 fine and no probation.  This result allowed our client to continue with her therapy and able to expunge her charge in a year and have a clean record for applying for college and jobs.
    Miami County Municipal Court
  • Charges Reduced Physical Control
    Our client was charged with Physical Control of a Vehicle while Under the Influence.  After discussions with the Prosecutor and the Judge, we were able to get a small fine and no license suspension at the end of his case.  This allowed our client to keep his job.
    Fairborn Municipal Court
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